Terms of service.

This information being provided is public information . This information can be accessed by anyone. We adhere to the Utah Admin code R592-6-4.

Property Profiles show how current subdivisions are vested on public record, property taxes information, and any property characteristics. All this information can also be found directly from the Iron County Treasurer and Assessor’s Office. https://www.ironcounty.net/

This information is generally available to all individuals, agents and lenders.

American First Escrow and Title Insurance Agency is not providing “Special Favors, or advantage not generally available to others.”

Under Utah Code § 31A-23a-402(2)(a) , American First Escrow and Title is not “paying, allowing, giving, or offering to pay, allow, or give, directly or indirectly, as an inducement to obtaining any title insurance business.”

·Under Utah Code R592-6-4-(20) American First Escrow and Title does not “Pay to produce, develop, or maintain” theses property profiles provided.

We adhere all laws, regulations and rules. We will continue to adhere to the marketing rules of Title and Escrow Insurance Code Marketing Practices.

Iron County Subdivisions